I have a routine on Thursday mornings. It's one I treasure, and one that has been something of a secret between C and me. Before work, we stop at La Farine for a chocolatine (aka pain au chocolat).
On the drive to the office, the smell of deep, rich chocolate and buttery pastry fills the car, and my belly, with anticipation for the first bite.
I drop C off at his office, and as soon as he's out of sight, I sneak a little nibble from a corner of the pastry. Is it eggy this morning? Is the outside "skin" so crisp it shatters?
I drive to my office and park the car. Before getting out, I take another bite -- a way to fortify myself against the onslaught of emails and voicemails and questions that's about to begin.
I come in. I sit down at my desk and, as my laptop powers up, I fetch a large mug of boiling water. Drop in the tea ball, now filled with leaves of Earl Grey (whoever knew that Earl Grey and chocolate were such fine bed buddies?).
I open Outlook. As expected, there are dozens of emails. I close my door. I sit back, and enjoy the remainder of my chocolatine and tea. Now, I can start my day.
La Farine Bakery
6323 College Avenue
Oakland, CA