Today is the first annual BlogDay, wherein each blogger chooses to recommend five new (or new to them) blogs.
The purpose? Cross-pollination, of course, and the potential to discover dozens of great new sites on which to while away the hours. So, without further ado, I present my favorite "new finds".
San Francisco Gourmet is a wonderfully-written blog about fine dining in the Bay Area. Authored by the mysterious "NS", this site has a clean layout, and really nicely done "at a glance" ratings for each establishment.
Another favorite, but non-food, blog is No War on Iran written by six young Iranian-Americans. I may not always agree with their positions, but I am always better-educated for having read their posts.
I think it's hard for many of us to remember that Eggbeater has only been around 6 months -- I can hardly remember when I wasn't looking forward to Shuna's next heartfelt and beautifully-written post. A favorite on my blogroll, and a great friend to boot.
Another food, but really more lifestyle, blog I've been enjoying recently is Five Pints. Having met Mr. Fivepints at the Food Blogger picnic, I can attest to his quirky sense of humor which had me bent double a few times. Nice guy, nice blog. Great food to boot.
Lastly is a totally NOT new blog (I mean, it's been around for 5 years or something) but I just discovered MightyGirl via a series of links from BlogHer attendees. Maggie cracks me up, and she's got a wicked sight, MightyGoods where she features cool stuff that you can buy (not from her though. That wouldn't be so cool).
I hope you enjoy these... and please let me know what your favorites are (you can post in the Comments if you don't have a blog of your own).
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