Not too long ago, Nicky & Oliver posted about a honey shop for their entry to SHF #10. One of the honeys they mentioned was Coconut Honey.
Now, C loves him some honey. And he loves him some coconut. So, it would stand to reason that acquiring a jar of said honey would make me a nice wife, and garner me some favors, right? I dashed off an email to Nicky asking if she could find out if the Honigstüberl shipped. She responded that they didn't, but she'd be happy to buy me a jar next time she passed by.
This, of course, turned into a "care-package swap" akin to Blogging by Mail, but outside of that context since, frankly, I hadn't read about it yet!
Well, earlier this week, my goodie box showed up. In it, Nicky & Oliver had packed some very fun, and VERY tasty treats.
Nicky will, no doubt, notice that this photograph doesn't include the bag of gummy candies she sent. Alas, there are very few left of those precious gems, and we are judiciously rationing out one piece at a time.
In addition to the coconut honey was a jar of pine nut honey (which Nicky proclaims her favorite from the shop), plus a jar of sugar candies in orange liqueur. One whiff of these, and I was transported back 25 years to my early childhood (yes, I'm dating myself here). I remember one aunt always had candies like these, "for the grown-ups"... of course, precious (and precocious) Fatemeh was always allowed a small piece.
The pasta colored and flavored with radicchio is likely to turn into a dinner served with a grilled radicchio salad, while the delicious mustard has served us well already with some Amy's Sausages.
Nicky, remembering a comment I had made on her blog about panna cotta, also sent me some vanilla beans and a packet of gelatin sheets. I keep promising C I'll make this yummy dessert "as soon as I can get my hands on some gelatin", and it appears that I've now lost my last excuse.
Finally, Nicky sent me her favorite green tea... I brewed myself a pot (according to her instructions) yesterday, and I can't believe how delicate but fragrant this tea is.
I can't believe how lucky and blessed I am to have found such a wonderful niche on the web. The support of this community is a wonderful thing, and it's amazing to find people with whom one can share a love of food that has no borders.
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