Surely you've read all about ZAP by now. It's that insanely popular festival honoring the only true California grape, Zinfandel (no Primitivo backers need argue this point, please).
Well, C and I headed out this morning, not quite as early as we should have, to attend the Trade & Media portion of the tasting. It's a whole lot more calm than the insanity of the free-for-all tasting that starts at 1pm, with room to move and a chance to actually SPEAK with the winemakers.
Since it was nasty and misty out, and we didn't want C's camera to get wet, I dropped him off at the front of Herbst Pavilion so he could get some shots in and get our badges while I went to find parking. Riiiiiiight.
An hour later, frustrated beyond belief, and with a blood pressure hovering somewhere in the "dangerously high" zone, I returned to the front of the Pavilion and sent one of the staffers off to find C in the melee. After getting in three near-physical altercations with three DIFFERENT people over parking spots, and watching dozens of folks walk out with loaves of delicious-looking baguettes and purple-stained teeth, only to get into the waiting cabs, I gave up and just wanted to get the HELL out of there.
As soon as he was in the car, I made a beeline for a favorite lunch spot. No waiting, no parking mayhem, and most of all, NO ZINFANDEL... I just needed food. So where did we go?
Oh, come now, you know how I like making things interesting. So, the first person to guess where we ate lunch today will receive a ticket to the Food Blogger Face Off at the Ferry Building on February 6th.
The picture below could serve as a hint, if you're so inclined.
Technorati Tags: Food | Food & Drink | Wine | San Francisco | ZAP