Well, it seems that BlogHer has caused quite a stir in this here Blogosphere. A quick search on Technorati reveals nearly 2,000 posts on the subject, and a great many of those posts have an earful to say about the context of the conference.
Add to that the really lovely and supporting comments you guys have left on my earlier post about the topic, and you've got the makings for a lot of self-examination and more than a cursory look at one's own community.
And then it hit me: The food-blogging community has a disproportionately high number of child-free members. I count no fewer than 10 people in my blogroll (yea, that one over there on the right) whom I know to have chosen not to have kids.
I find that fascinating. And before you bring it up, I don't actually think it has to do with the people I'm drawn to, because most of the people on my blogroll were there before I ever developed friendships with them. So, it's less of a self-fulfilling prophecy than you might think.
I suppose that generally speaking, foodies are a pretty hedonistic crowd, which maybe doesn't lend itself to the types of sacrifices it takes to be a great parent. But that's just not food bloggers, is it? I mean, everyone has their days of debauchery. So why this odd disparity?
(For the record, there are also some wickedly awesome parents in my blogroll -- people who are raising little human beings that are smart, funny, well-mannered and a joy to be around. So shushie.)
Tags: BlogHer, Motherhood, Parenting, Food, Food & Drink, San Francisco
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