I have been in the Philadelphia Airport security line for 40 minutes, and I am not even halfway through.
Due to the 'foiled terrorist plots' (CNN's words, not mine), things in the terminal are as confused and chaotic as they were after 9/11.
Anyone who has a cosmetic case or dopp kit will have to put them in checked luggage. Don't even think about taking anything creamy, liquid, or gel-based in your carry-on.
There are people begging (myself included) to be allowed to take their eye drops. My contacts will simply wither up without them.
Oh, and that bottled water? Forget about it.
They are coming through the lines collecting stuff in big garbage bins; the camera crews are having a field day.
Oh, just to keep this on the topic of food:
If you are one of the ignorant assholes who are bitching and telling them to 'move it along', and complaining about the 'g-ddamn arabs', may I please offer you a generous portion of Shut-The-F*ck-Up?
Tags: Terrorism, Flying, Airports, Philadelphia, CNN, San Francisco, Chicago, New York, London
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.