A few weeks ago, I was taking Bo for a walk through Jack London Square when I stumbled across signs for The Crab Crawl. "FUN!", I thought, "I should invite C."
About 5 yards later, I realized that those people setting up booths? They had crabs. And garlic noodles. And today? It wasn't Sunday. Huh. Unless I called C pretty quickly, there'd be nothing left to invite him to!
He met us down at the Square a little while later, where we proceeded to check out the booty, and grab some goodies to nosh on while we polished off pints of Anchor Steam.
As it turned out, we were less than tempted by the crab dishes that were left a mere two hours after the even started; one of the booths, whose garlic noodles we tried and loved, told us that they had no idea the event was going to be so popular, and they couldn't believe they'd already run out of their cajun cracked crab.
Those oysters up there, though? Those were really, really great. Big, plump, juicy specimens from Johnson's Oyster Farm were shucked and daubed with garlic, then grilled up, one order at a time. Each of us in line spent more than a few minutes waiting, but OH MAMA, was it ever worth it.
Generously sprinkled with Green Tabasco (my personal preference on grilled oysters), I slurped more than my share of these, nearly ready to go back for more.
The Crab Crawl's food stands were picked clean HOURS before they expected to be, which I love to see -- it just proves that Oakland is really finding her own voice and people are coming to hear what she's saying.
Tags: Food, Wine, Food & Drink, San Francisco, Oakland, Jack London Square, Festivals