Years and years ago, I abducted my dad's then-highly-coveted Nikon and taught myself to take pictures. As with so many other things during my teen angst years, I quickly grew bored of ALL THOSE LENSES, and trying to "work with" the available light, and to be honest, I didn't think I had such a great eye anyway.
So, I returned the camera to its pristine case, and satisfied myself with time spent in the darkroom, developing other people's photos for the newspaper and yearbook.
On my recent trip to Italy, though, I found myself enamored of being behind a lens again. When I came back, I decided I wanted to upgrade from my five-year-old Canon point-and-shoot. Then I put it off. And put it off some more.
Well, C finally put his foot down after I kept borrowing his camera in NY, and we are finally getting me a new camera. But I'm torn about what I want to shoot with.
The options are the new Powershot G9, or the EOS Digital Rebel XTi, and I'm definitely going to keep the older camera for things like Burning Man.
On the one hand, I love the idea of upgrading to an SLR -- I know I'll have lots more control over my images, and C has tons of lenses that I can use with the Rebel. But I do worry about toting around an SLR; will the size put me off of taking it with me wherever I go?
On the other hand, the G9 is nice and compact, and is getting GREAT reviews. But it's still a point-and-shoot, and I wonder if I won't grow bored with it fairly quickly. I'm definitely more into taking landscape and still shots, but the G9 is also probably better suited to capturing spontaneous images, right?
Help me, interwebs! Please leave your thoughts, suggestions and opinions in the comments so others can benefit, too. And if you've shot with either of these two cameras, please let me know what you think.
Tags: Cameras, Canon, EOS Rebel, G9, Advice, Photography, San Francisco, Food & Drink